Monday, February 2, 2009

26 hours 'til departure

Tomorrow at 6 p.m. I board a plane headed for London, my stopping point for Prague, my new home for the next four months. I’ve been home in Framingham for over six weeks now and finally it’s time for me to go. Wow.

I figured I’d write a blog so I won’t forget all of my times overseas, many of which I’m sure I would, should I not write it down. If you want to follow along – which I’m sure my family, at least, religiously will – be my guest. It should be a wild ride.

I’ve never been to Europe and I don’t really know what to expect. I know no Czech; I plan on learning some essentials on the plane and the rest in my Czech class at the Anglo-American University in Prague. I’m looking forward to learning not only a new language, but an entirely new culture. I’m curious to see how Americans are viewed in Europe, especially now that Obama has taken over the Oval Office.

Am I nervous? Nah, I’m with too many Wisconsinites to be nervous. If I screw something up, most likely I won’t be alone. Excited, however? An understatement.

Tomorrow my life – for better or worse (hopefully the former) – is going to change. Wednesday morning I will no longer be able to read the signs that surround me. It’s something I still can’t really fathom.

Until then, see you in Prague, and the subsequent travels to come!


  1. Derekk!
    Bon chance = goodluck in french
    Hodně stěstí = goodluck in czech :-)

  2. zet, i'm going to switch from your #1 column fan to your #1 blog fan. i expect high quality writing!

  3. oh zet in the face, i am for sure going to be following this one. good luck!! and maybe we'll cross paths in the next four months.

  4. Glad you're settling in. Thanks for giving me some of the credit for your upcoming European studying. ENJOY it all.
    Happy 21st!
