2. The chocolate in Switzerland was as advertised as well.
3. The autobahn was flooded with Beemers, Benzes and Audis; it's not a myth.
4. We drove through four countries along the way (in order): Czech Repulblic, Germany, Austria (for less than an hour) and Switzerland.
5. License plates in the EU are all the same; they all have the EU flag on the left side. What distinguishes the respective countries are the letters underneath the flag: "D" for Germany (Deutschland), "CH" for Switzerland (I don't know why, but Swiss Francs are listed as CHF, so at least that's synonymous) and "CZ" for Czech Republic.
6. For breakfast Josh and I had bacon and egg rolls, essentially breakfast sandwiches. Saturday morning they came with barbeque sauce; Sunday they didn't. Sunday they weren't the same. Sounds like an odd touch, but I'd suggest it. Definitely bringing that one home with me to the States.
7. Song of the trip: Pink's "So What?" (I'm gonna start a fight). For sure (even though Dana hated when we (I) sung/whistled/hummed it).
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