Wednesday, April 8, 2009

European irony

Europe is very environmentally friendly: Many lights are on timers, toilets have less water; Europeans take shorter, cooler showers. But for a union that is so conscious of such issues, apparently they haven't gotten the memo that cigarettes kill you.

Actually, that's entirely false. On every cigarette box in Europe, there is a label in huge font reading: CIGARETTES CAN KILL YOU. I guess Philip Morris doesn't allow that on the other side of the Atlantic.

But even with the label, which is probably 20 times the size of our "surgeon general's warning," Europeans -- especially in Spain -- chain smoke the shit out of cigarettes like they're searching for Wonka's golden ticket at each filter. I just don't understand it. That, and they all love McDonald's, but I've yet to see one obese person. We must be doing something wrong.

(I'm in the middle of my spring break post. It's taking a while.)

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