Thursday, May 28, 2009
That's a wrap
My writing of course is by no means done. I'm done writing here, but I'll be writing on my other blog all the time, on whatever creeps into my mind. So follow me there.
Thanks for reading. It's been a blast.
In one hyphenated word: Life-changing

I drove on Germany’s famous Autobahn, skied the Swiss and French Alps, drank Guinness in Dublin, saw the beaches of Barcelona, stood in Rome’s Coliseum, ate great pasta in Florence, hiked the hills of Cinque Terre, went to a carnival in Amsterdam, partied for Fruhlingsfest in Munich, visited the largest concentration camp in the world, sat in the stands in the best football stadium in Italy, cruised the canals of Copenhagen and perhaps best of all, lived for four months in a country that didn’t exist the day I was born.
I went to
While abroad, I got some of my swagger back. I had a tough semester in the fall; I was so caught up in being the best journalist college newspapers had ever seen (an unachievable goal) that I forgot who I was and what life is all about (more on this later). I got really into the evolution of online media and technology, trying to understand more about Twitter, Stumble Upon, Digg, blogs and podcasts – words that I’m now seeing swiggly red lines under because they’re too technologically advanced for Microsoft Word’s dictionary.
Aside from school, I learned from experience of the best kind. I lived in onths. I met people from all over the world. I learned about the globe’s optimism for the Obama Era and the reason why Americans are so disliked (It’s sadly true: we really do live in our own bubble. How many European presidents can you name? They know all of our cabinet members). Living abroad has taught me how important it is to be worldly, well-rounded, knowledgeable about multiple subjects, not just sports. It’s cool to be able to actually discuss the issues regarding waterboarding or the impacts of new EU member countries joining the European Economic and Monetary Union.
Of course, I made a ton of friends along the way. I now have friends from four short months. Now it’s time to turn the page. Allow me to explain.
During my last week in the
Like I said, life is about chapters, turning pages. You can’t be scared to close one chapter and start writing the next. I was sad to leave
Last semester I wanted to be the next Dan Shaughnessy straight out of college. I didn’t understand how the book of life works. Reading Mark Cuban’s blog helped me understand. He mopped floors at a computer company after graduating from
I barely chose life works. You write new chapters, new pages, occasionally flipping back for references, but never for too long. Blank pages need to be filled; new words on old pages would just create confusion.
I sit here in my kitchen and think about what just happened from February through May. It was truly life-changing, but I know I can never go back. And I’m OK with that.
It’s time to write a new chapter. I can’t wait for you all to read it.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
15 minutes left in Prague
Peace, Prague. Reflection blogs will be written in the airport/planes today. Will be posted from 20 Cider Mill Rd. tonight.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Bad business decision
So today I go there a little "under the weather" after a long night (more like morning) at Karlovy Lazne, the 5-story club by the river with Dana Katz and visiting friends. But, to my surprise, the Y doesn't open the sauna until 2 p.m. (I went at one). Of course, that got my business wheels spinning.
Saunas are perhaps the best hangover medicine ever to grace the Earth (I went back at two). Alcohol literally seeps out of your pores for 20 minutes and you feel like a million bucks when you get out (it's the only way I'll be able to finish this paper this afternoon).
Anyway, if the Y marketed its sauna for what it is -- the best hangover cure ever -- and opened it in the morning, they could see some serious newfound cash flow. Some people have to be productive before 4 p.m., you know? I just don't happen to be one of them.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Donation made
Around the world party
Our buddy Fink got us a deal at this club called Duplex; we had to pay a 50-crown cover instead of 300. Great night.
And now I'm writing my final paper of the semester on EU countries and NATO. 3,000 words due Monday. Fantastic.
Done with finals. Home in four. Max just left this morning.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
International NBA marketing
I asked them if they liked Paul Pierce, to which looked at me, wiggled his hand and said "50/50."
Oh, and for the record, "alley-oop" is apparently a uni-language term.
They're not big on ice over here
I hesitate, then think about it for a second. A coffee float. Genius! Add a little Bailey's to it and now we're really talking. A Hard Coffee Float. Or maybe some Jameson: an Irish Coffee Float.
I'm copyrighting both when I get home next week. Can you copyright drink names?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
We need a page out of the Euro playbook
Most people here (Prague) recycle their beer bottles, because they get more than the equivalent of five cents back on their return. Our beer bottles are noticeably recycled; you can see the marks of old labels.
Why don't US beer companies jack up the prices of cans and bottles, then offer a, say, 50-cent (not the rapper) refund per return. Then everyone would have to recycle and everybody wins.
Of course, I'm being naive; I know beer revenue is handled by the beer companies, while recycling refunds are given by the state, but come on, there's got to be some sort of subsidy to make my proposal come to fruition. It's not exactly the human genome project.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Twitter gadget explanation
We need Obama back
Monday, May 11, 2009
A taste of Scandinavia
Corey was right there when Ryan and I got off the plane Friday afternoon. Now, though that, and Corey has obviously succeeded in doing so. A bit different from my situation, where there are a couple dozen kids from
We didn’t do much Friday afternoon, thanks to the weather (rain) and the Middle Eastern restaurant owners who apparently were unaware of the term “service.” Middle Eastern kabab, shawarma shops are all over Europe, by the way, but
Friday night it was raining but we went to this small club where this well-known Danish DJ was spinning crazy house music. Never knew Danes loved to rage so much. They do. I also didn’t know how expensive mething around 85 kroner (do the math… $17). Hard to believe, but after seeing the prices of things all weekend, it makes sense. Needless to say, we ate a lot of shawarma and not a lot (zero) of seafood along the canal.
Saturday the three of us went to
Saturday night we went to a different club, which was awesome. Again, lots of house music (standard for European clubs), with some techno and my generation rap mixed in. One of the more fun nights of the semester, to be honest.
Sunday (the only day I took my camera out) we took a boat tour of the canals, which was the highlight of the trip. s enough to make a worthwhile canal tour. The canals empty out into the North Sea, facing
The coolest part of asked in the sun for a bit after that, enjoying our last afternoon in
Sunday night we went to Christiania, which is a part of
Monday Ryan and I got up at 8:15 to catch our 10:30 flight. Corey, who was an incredible host, by the way, sent us off and that was that. My next traveling will be done in the direction of
Oh, also, the Danish girls are as good-looking as advertised.
Thanks, Corey for a great weekend. Fifteen days left in
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Final trip of the semester
Back to Prague on Monday. After that, next time I board a plane will be May 26: Prague to London, London to Boston, landing at 9:50 p.m. local time. Wow.
My Prague bike excursion
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Milan mission accomplished
Derek: yo i wanna go to a serious soccer match before i leave
Derek: ive been looking at matches and i wanna go to inter
Derek: flights on skyeurope are super cheap from
ell i have no school that week so i could fly into
Derek: i’ll book it right now, it’s 60 euro round trip
Derek: done
Derek: cya in a month
Derek: peace, ttyl.
So our itinerary consisted solely of one thing before we left: Get tickets to that match. It ended up being much more.
Our plane Friday night didn’t leave is).
After an amazing Italian lasagna feast, we walked around downtown in search of the night life scene. Now, the city of an’t say that I’ve ever met a kid from
Saturday was our tourist day. We walked around the city, saw their Duomo (much different than the one in
To be perfectly honest, I was expecting it to be a little crazier than it was. Don’t get me wrong, the atmosphere was worth traveling for, but it wasn’t like I felt unsafe at any time (which was a bit disappointing). It was a lot like college (American) football, where the rowdy student sections are behind the goals and it’s calmer along the sidelines. No one was lighting flares or waving huge flags in our section, but behind the goal they were pretty wild. Inter was a big favorite at home and after a 0-0 halftime score, the hosts scored a pair of second-half goals for the 2-0 victory. We were exhausted and
When we got back to the hotel, I fell asleep while 30 p.m. instead of a.m. Needless to say, when we woke up to the sun rising, we knew we were screwed. Sort of.
On the plane to
After about an hour bus ride, we found Lago d’Iseo. It was arguably the coolest place I’ve ever seen; cooler than Cinque Terre because instead of the Mediterranean Sea across from you, there are l shops were closed because of a holiday, so we couldn’t go on the lake, but we had ridiculous gelati (plural for gelato) instead (the best dessert I’ve ever tasted) and walked along the coast for a few hours. Great day.
(Wow, I’m making us sound like a gay couple).
Back in
Only one more left:
Home three weeks from today. No regrets.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Back to Italy
Roster link
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Back to my roots
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Poland: The perfect balance
Friday night, about 20 of us from the CEA program – along with Radka and Marta, our CEA supervisors, who are awesome – boarded a 9:15 train from
The train arrived in check in, so we all left our bags in the storage room and re-boarded the bus, headed for
Our tour of the concentration camp lasted about four hours, four hours of a lot of silence, head shaking and some tears. Again, very difficult to put into words, but I’m certainly glad I went. Everyone should go, not only to turn history lessons into reality, but to help prevent such future catastrophes. Even after being there – at the biggest concentration camp in the world – it still boggles my mind. How? Why? Really?
You picture Auschwitz as cold, dark and dreary, partly because
After our tour, we got back on the bus for another 90-minute drive back to the hotel in
Another cool thing I noticed was the true versatility of the English language. As Americans, we expect people to be able to speak and understand English (so nice of us) because it is supposed to be the world’s universal language. But actually seeing Radka (a native Czech speaker) speak to the Polish hotel receptionist in English was cool. Both speak English as their second language, but were using it because neither spoke each other’s native tongue. Does that make me a dork because I think that’s cool?
Sunday we had a formal tour of
It was nice to go on a trip with our group (CEA is broken up into three groups since there are so many kids; each group goes to
Friday, April 24, 2009
'Never a dull moment'
The abroad stories never end. Most are good. Some are bad. Last night we had one of the latter.
We went to this club called Radost with a bunch of people from our building. Normal night, everyone was having a good time. Until I turn around and half of
Off to
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thank you, Mother Nature
Don't worry, there's no final in this class, just a paper. Mine obviously won't be related to today's class.
Germans definitely know how to party
But to be perfectly fair to the city of on our way. Our room had a
They didn’t disappoint. These beer halls sit hundreds of people, teenagers to grandparents, all drinking liters of beer at a time out of huge steins, eating sausages, pretzels and sauerkraut (all amazing, pre- and post-beer, by the way). That started at about 3:30 and ended around 8. Then came head-to-pillow contact, which was supposed to be a quick pre-evening nap. Woke up at 2 a.m. with eight missed calls from Becky and Sam. I’m usually not a deep sleeper.
Saturday we were on a mission. The rest of them had to be because they had a 1 p.m. bus home Sunday. I was smart and booked the 11:40 p.m. one by myself so I had more than one day in the city. Great decision. I randomly ran into some Madison folk who were taking Lenny’s Bike Tour around town. My group wanted to do Mike’s Bike Tour, which cost 24 euro. Lenny’s was free, pre-tips (needless to say Mike and Lenny don’t get along. No joke.) Saved me about 16 euro. Another great decision, considering we did the same exact tour as Mike and Co.
After the tour, it was time for Frühlingsfest. The Fest is basically a carnival for adults. It’s a regular carnival with rides, games and food, with a huge tent where the real fun happens. Under the tent was a live German band, decked out in traditional German attire, singing everything from German drinking songs to “Beat it” by Michael Jackson. With steins in hand, everyone (hundreds, many also in proper attire) is singing, dancing on the tables and cheersing liter after liter. Best bar in the world.
I met Becky and her roommates in the tent, on purpose and ran into Russell Thaw in the carnival, post-tent. Didn’t even know he was in
Needless to say, there wasn’t much to the night after the tent, except for one carnival teacup-ish ride (thank god I didn’t puke). Didn’t see midnight on back-to-back nights. Can’t tell you the last time that happened.
Sunday was my own personal day. The is zoo had everything: zebras, elephants, tigers, lions, sharks, penguins, polar bears, gorillas, baboons, wolves, flamingos, you name it, it was there. I was honestly fascinated by the primates (of all variety). They’re so human-like. You’d think we were closely related or something.
The zoo also had a pretty sweet aquarium with all sorts of fish and aquatic animals (I guess that's why they call it an aquarium). I was standing behind a German family, staring into a tank when I heard a 7-year-old girl say something along the lines of: "Cheiststein zeichenbach deutchzeich Nemo!" Sure enough, there was an orange and white fish that looked just like Nemo. I laughed out loud and had to walk away.
After the zoo, I was beat. I streamed the Red Sox game on my computer (thank you Martin, and thank you again in advance for tonight), then took the 11:40 bus back to
Another weekend, another country (although technically I’d already driven through it) added to my list, which is getting rather long. Off to Krakow and Auschwitz (
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Appropriate time for reflection, thanks
I’ve been meaning to write this for a while, but now seems to be as fitting a time as ever.
Five weeks from today I’ll be boarding a plane back to
At this time in my semester-long adventure overseas, I feel obliged to give thanks to those that made this all possible, most notably my family – you know who you are. I’ve received endless support from all of you, both monetarily and morally throughout what has been the most exciting 11-week span of my life (not to mention my entire life, but especially during this trip abroad). For that, I can’t thank you enough. You’ve inspired me to not only keep up with this almost-daily blog, but to pursue endeavors I never could have dreamed of experiencing a mere few months ago.
The appropriateness of this appreciation comes just two days after the tragic loss of longtime family friend Mitch Schecter, my 5th grade soccer coach, father of fellow Framingham Badgers, Adam and Erica. My condolences go out to the entire Schecter family, especially Adam, who’s become one of my closest friends over the past few years.
Times like these make us remember what’s truly important in life, family of course being No. 1 atop a list of many.
Mine is certainly no exception.
Monday, April 20, 2009
2 European hygeine notes
1) Shaving is definitely not as customary here as it is in the States; it's not just a fairy tale. On the hike in Cinque Terre, I saw a French woman with easily more armpit hair than me. And I'm not exactly lacking in that department, either.
2) Deodorant should have been my No. 15 for things I miss about home. We'll call it "optional" here; and that's putting it mildly. The lovely aroma of B.O. often fills the air on your average metro ride or trip to Tesco (their version of Wal-Mart). I can't tell if they know they stink and just don't care (or they like it?), or they're completely oblivious to their own stench. I hope it's No. 2, but that's pretty sad in its own right.
(Just got back from Munich this morning. Post coming soon.)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
On the road again
The theme of this semester is "no regrets" and I don't want to be sitting in Framingham or Watertown (NESN studios) or Madison or Columbus, Ohio, for that matter, thinking, "Man, I wish I went to Munich for Spring Fest." That's why I'm hopping on a bus at 7 a.m. tomorrow and coming back around 5 a.m. Monday morning. I'm staying with a bunch of kids from my program and a bunch of their friends from various other Euro cities. It's also Becky's birthday, so she and some of her roommates from Florence will be there and Sam is coming from Dublin.
Jordan and Drew just got back from Munich and said it was their favorite European city they've visited thus far, Paris included. Bound to be a good time.
No regrets.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Top 14 things I miss about the States
In no particular order:
1) My own room. Sharing a small room with two other kids gets old pretty quickly. Not that I don't like Max and Tyler, but the phrase "alone time" hasn't existed for me in 10 weeks.
2) A dishwasher. Hand-washing dishes, silverware, pots and pans isn't exactly causing me to break a sweat, but it is a bit of a hassle.
3) A dryer. They simply don't exist in this entire continent.
4) ESPN. Well, English TV in general. I do enjoy CNN International, but a station change would be nice every once in a while. I can't wait to post up on my couch and listen to Kornheiser and Wilbon call each other knuckleheads. I even kind of miss Tony Reali.
5) Chex Mix. Ham-flavored potato chips just don't get the job done. I couldn't even finish a whole small bag. I don't think that's ever happened to me before.
6) Buffalo chicken. From Andrea's will be my first lunch when I get home.
7) Using my cell phone without rationing minutes. Walks to and from school are so much more boring. Thank god for podcasts.
8) Texting the shit out of people. 165-minute classes are that much more brutal. Thank the same god for wireless Internet.
9) Free water. Screw paying for bottled water at restaurants. All I want is tap water. Is that too much to ask for?
10) Eastern time. I woke up today for class and the Red Sox game wasn't over yet. It started at 4 a.m. and ended after 8. I couldn't even watch the NCAA Championship game. It started at 3.
11) Talking sports. No one gives a damn about American sports out here. Except Tyler.
12) A non-twin bed. Actually, I don't even have that at home.
13) Good deli meats. I'm getting sick of salami and sausage.
14) Driving. No freedom with public transportation.
I don't mean to sound spoiled, but I am living in the Czech Republic, for crying out loud!